Why You Still Might Need Braces Even if Your Teeth Look Straight

For people who are unhappy with their smile, getting braces makes sense. However, if you like the way your teeth look, you may not think you need braces. While this could be the case, there may also be issues that aren’t as noticeable when you look in the mirror.

Unseen Crowding

Even if you have a good-looking smile, there could be problems you can’t see. When you get orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners, it fixes far more than cosmetic issues.

One common issue is crowding, which is caused by a shortage of space between your teeth. When your teeth are crowded, it often affects the appearance of your smile, but some people can have crowding in the back of their mouth, leaving their smile still looking straight. The problem with crowding is food can easily get stuck in between your teeth, making it difficult to thoroughly clean them. This will inevitably lead to tooth decay and possibly worse oral health problems.

Crowding can also cause one or two teeth to be positioned higher than the surrounding teeth. This will cause a disproportionate amount of force to be put on those teeth, which erodes the tooth over time unevenly or causes cracking, both of which you want to avoid.

Underlying Issues

Not all orthodontic issues occur above the gum lines. X-rays often discover problems that need to be fixed but are currently not affecting a smile’s appearance. For example, some patients have adult teeth that have never erupted, either because there wasn’t enough space or the baby teeth never fell out. These trapped teeth can even end up sideways under the gums in an attempt to move into their proper positions.

Braces are often needed to fix these types of underlying issues, either as part of the initial treatment, or after the fact to return the smile to its straight, healthy state.

This is one of the many reasons we don’t recommend mail-order orthodontic treatment. These providers rely on impressions and selfies submitted by their customers, which means any issues hiding under the gums are not addressed.

Misaligned Bite

While your smile may look straight to others, many people have to force their smile to look normal due to an overbite or underbite. Both of these conditions can complicate your oral health by leading to uneven pressure in your mouth, speech or eating problems, or jaw pain. By getting braces or clear aligners, you can get your bite to a normal position and always bite down comfortably while never having to adjust your jaw to make your smile look straight.

To schedule a free consultation and see how braces can improve your oral health, contact Austin Orthodontics today!

Is Mail-Order Orthodontic Treatment Right for You?

Throughout the history of orthodontics, there have been several key innovations that have made orthodontic treatment more effective, convenient, and comfortable. One of the most significant developments in orthodontics is the Invisalign Clear Aligner system, which allows you to get straight teeth with invisible, removable aligners. 

One fascinating and slightly disconcerting development in orthodontics more recently is the trend of companies marketing mail-order aligners similar to Invisalign. The treatment is completed entirely at home and you get your aligners delivered to your doorstep. Sounds like the next big thing, right? Unfortunately, there are several major issues with this new type of treatment that should make you seriously think twice before using it. 

No In-Person Visits

Interestingly enough, the main selling point of mail-order braces is that you never have to leave your home to get orthodontic treatment. However, with no orthodontist, there is no actual orthodontic treatment. Instead, there’s mostly a lot of guesswork while you attempt to take care of your teeth on your own. Any help you get is all done remotely through images on computer screens.

This means you can never get the precision and personalized guidance that comes with having a certified expert looking at your teeth in person and taking xrays to uncover any underlying issues in your smile. During the whole process, you have to do the work yourself, trust the images you take, and hope it ends up well. You also miss out on the personal relationship you develop with an orthodontist and the team when you are seen at an office.

Inaccurate Impressions

The aligners you receive during the whole course of your treatment are based on impressions you take yourself. Again, this is meant to add to the convenience factor; however, and no offense to you, you’re not an expert at taking dental impressions. Sure, you will get instructions, but there are nuances to getting accurate impressions that can only be learned through the years of training and practice, which all orthodontists and their teams are required to complete. 

Possible Damage to Your Teeth

Without professional, in-person guidance, the inherent risks of doing mail-order braces go beyond just getting subpar results. For one, the at-home impressions often result in aligners that don’t quite fit the way they should. This can result in severe discomfort while your teeth are adjusted in the wrong direction. And since you don’t have anyone looking at your teeth, it is very easy to miss problems under the surface. 

Even if your mail-order braces give you teeth that look straight, that’s not the only reason you should get orthodontic treatment. You can have perfectly straight teeth but still have underlying issues that need to be fixed. If you simply rely on mail-order braces, those problems will never be addressed, leading to long-term oral health problems. 

When you see an orthodontist for the first time, he or she will draw up a comprehensive plan to treat all of your issues. However, this plan may need to be modified slightly throughout your treatment if things are not progressing as planned. With no follow-up visits, mail-order treatment cannot be altered, which means you may not be getting the treatment you really need.

To learn more about how expert, personalized guidance can get you the smile you want while setting you up for long-lasting oral health, contact Austin Orthodontics today to set up a free consultation.

Why Are My Teeth Crooked?

As you think about starting orthodontic treatment to straighten your smile and improve your oral health, you might find yourself wondering, “Why are my teeth crooked in the first place?” The answer is different for everyone, which is part of the reason why everyone gets a personalized treatment plan to help with their specific issues. Still, there are some common reasons people’s teeth end up crooked.


Just like nobody has perfectly clear skin or a totally symmetrical face, nobody has perfect teeth. Some people have pretty straight teeth naturally, but even they may have underlying issues orthodontic treatment can fix. Some people inherit genes that cause their teeth to grow in crooked. The actual ways genetics affect each person’s teeth varies. Some people have jaws that are too small for their teeth, resulting in crowding, or impacted teeth in severe cases. Other issues with the jaw can cause the person’s bite to be off, causing an overbite, crossbite, or underbite. Permanent teeth may simply grow in at awkward angles due to genetic hardwiring as well.

Bad Timing of Baby Teeth Loss

Many people don’t realize their baby teeth actually play a huge role in how the permanent teeth come in. Baby teeth guide the path of eruption, and if they fall out early or late, it can cause the permanent teeth to come in crooked. For example, if baby teeth don’t fall out when they are supposed to, the permanent teeth may erupt in front of or behind the baby teeth instead of in their proper positions.

Losing baby teeth too early can also affect where the permanent teeth come in. If your child sucks their thumb past toddlerhood, they may loosen the baby teeth early. This habit, along with extended pacifier use, also alters the shape of the jaw as the child is still growing and developing, which can lead to crooked teeth.

Other Bad Habits

Beyond thumb-sucking as a toddler, older children and even adults, can engage in bad habits that cause problems for their teeth grow. For instance, anxious habits like tongue-thrusting or teeth-grinding can alter the orientation of your teeth, causing crookedness and other oral health problems.


Another potential source of crooked teeth is getting an injury. For one, getting a facial injury as a child can knock out a baby tooth early, which can lead to permanent teeth coming in improperly. If a permanent tooth is knocked out, it’s important to get a replacement tooth put in as soon as possible since the surrounding teeth will begin to move to fill in the gap.

To straighten crooked teeth, most people undergo orthodontic treatment with either braces or the Invisalign, which both help move the teeth and jaws to an ideal position. Early orthodontics starting at age seven can also help correct the issues that cause crooked teeth before the permanent teeth erupt.

Contact Austin Orthodontics and schedule a free consultation to see which treatment option could be right for you!

Do I Need Braces?

By now, you’ve no doubt heard about braces as a way of getting a better smile. While getting a better smile sounds fantastic, it is also a significant investment when it comes to your time, effort, and finances. So you may be wondering, “Do I need braces?”

A common misconception is that braces only serve the purpose of straightening your teeth, but there are plenty of reasons people get braces other than just fixing crookedness. When you complete your orthodontic treatment, your teeth will be optimally positioned to keep your smile both looking better than ever and healthy for as long as possible. Here are some signs braces could be right for you.

You Have Crooked Teeth

Starting with a rather obvious reason, braces are for you if you want to have a straight smile you are proud to show off. Crooked teeth are often pretty easy to see, making the results of a treatment with braces pretty dramatic. But what exactly is crookedness? Crowding is a major culprit of crooked teeth, causing teeth to appear jagged and stick out in awkward places. Excess gaps result in crookedness as well.

Crowding can also cause some teeth to stick out more, putting too much pressure on just one or two teeth when you bite down, and leading to wear. By fixing crowding, your bite can evenly put pressure on all of your teeth.

You Don’t Bite Down Correctly

Braces can also fix instances of misaligned bites. Normally, your upper jaw rests a little bit over your lower teeth, allowing the bottom of your lower teeth to still show. If your jaw sits too far forward and starts to perhaps even hit your lower gums, or if you can’t fully bite down without forcing your upper jaw forward, you could benefit from braces. Having a set of braces with elastic bands can fix instances of underbites and overbites, allowing your bite to feel smooth and natural.

Frequent Cavities

When teeth are crooked, it makes it far easier for food to get trapped in your mouth. This leads to decay over time, even if you keep up with recommended oral hygiene habits. Even if your smile looks perfectly straight, getting braces can be beneficial in spacing your teeth in a way that allows you to actually reach all parts of your teeth.

To really answer the question of whether or not you need braces, you should schedule your free consultation with our team of orthodontic specialists today. We can get a complete look at your teeth and find out if there are any issues you aren’t aware of. If you experience frequent jaw pain, tooth sensitivity, or can’t seem to bite or speak comfortably, these problems could be solved with braces. Schedule an appointment at Austin Orthodontics today!